Loadstar 128 38
t.disk file 98
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D I S K F I L E 1 2 8 / 9 8
64 Version by Ron Schahrer
128 Adaptation by Bill Crooks
Final 128 Version by Doreen Horne
These are the latest fine tunings to my C128 expansion of Ron
Schahrer's DISK FILE C64. This program supersedes the 1997 version which
was published with graphic enhancements on LOADSTAR #36.
There is very little left in my code of the original program by Ron
Schahrer (or the later adaption for the C128 by Bill Crooks) but I stayed
with the original file structure for portability ease for anyone who has
moved to a C128, enjoys its 80 column mode and wants to transfer their C64
data files. This version still uses a 16 character file name with a four
character ID for every name recorded.
I have also kept the basic appearance of the original opening screen to
provide some continuity for those who have used and were comfortable with
the previous versions.
I know DCMR is the database of choice for many who catalog their disk
files but it was not designed to cope with GEOS. Whilst I know there are
GEOS databases I doubt they could store 2100 file names. GEOS itself uses
TRUE ASCII values for file names, which turn up in ordinary database hard
copy as graphic characters.
My DISK FILE programs have two options for text handling. The first
converts all input to upper case and it may be printed eventually entirely
in upper or lower case. The second retains lower case where it finds it but
converts upper case GEOS to our normal ASCII. Whilst the second option
makes for more 'true' looking GEOS files the first makes sorting and
finding of files a lot easier. Both options, if handled correctly by the
user, will eliminate the possiblity of graphic characters turning up in
hard copy.
Because of its size, DISK FILE 128 consists of three separate modules.
For DCMR users who would like to convert their files, there is a stand
alone BASIC program which needs to be loaded and used on its own. The
PRINTER MODULE, which deals with the hard copy of the final catalog lists,
can be accessed from the main program and also be used as a stand alone
program should one wish to treat the final printing process as a separate
exercise. Both these modules will be explained in more detail.
DISK FILE 128/98 explains itself on screen at every input and allows an
escape from any option before an irrevocable action is taken. However it
may be of interest to users of the C64 version to have the extras
explained, especially the fine tunings in the 1998 version.
I enjoy the 'technicolor' of the C128 in 80 column mode and have made
it possible for users to choose their own screen and text colors any time
the database is at the Main Menu. The keys to use are recorded opposite
Option 6.
Once DISK FILE 128/98 is LOADed it has to be decided whether one will
use one drive only or two. Usually, the Catalog disk is permanently in one
drive whilst, if cataloguing disk files, a directory read of each disk is
done in the other.
Also, bearing in mind one's preferences for the final hard copy
appearance of eg. a GEOS catalog, one may choose to stay with only one case
or opt for both upper and lower cases.
The MAIN MENU Options
1. Create, adjust or view categories on Catalog disk.
Although this is the first option in the Main Menu one doesn't really
need to worry about the Catalog disk until there is something to save.
How one uses this section depends on what one is cataloguing and also
the number of items involved.
I have GEOS files amongst others on a great many disks gathered from
the public domain and decided that they needed sorting into FONTS,
PICTURES, DRIVERS, ALBUMS, OTHERS and non-GEOS to make them findable when
necessary. After processing all my disks with DISK FILE 128/98 I now have
one Catalog disk solely for GEOS files divided into these separate
My disk boxes are labelled from A to J and each contains 100 disks,
individually numbered A00/A99 etc. When first processing the disks with the
DISK FILE program, the 4th ID digit for each file name was, eg. A=ART,
B=BUSINESS, C=COPY, G=GEOS, D=DATABASE, etc. (thus J19D was a database on
disk #19 in box J).
All the 4th ID digit 'G' items were subsequently transferred to a
separate file using Option (7) and this file was later edited using the
Bulk Edit option (9) to reflect in the 4th digit F=FONT, P=PICTURE, etc.
and option (7) was used again to establish on a separate Catalog disk my
GEOS itemised files.
In case the reader is wondering, I also have a Catalog disk for the
non-GEOS files in my 10 boxes and it has category files named ART,
15 categories are permitted on a Catalog disk and each one may have up
to 2100 files, disk space permitting.
2. Create, or add to, a record file
This is where the database is created. The original version had only
two options - manual input of names or a YES/NO selection of files from a
disk directory with a fixed four digit ID. These two options are still
available but the ID and name of any file may be edited as the files are
presented. The original allowed a directory to be accepted in toto with a
fixed ID. This too is still available but one picks up a lot of subsidiary
files this way, although the option is useful for GEOS disks. Unwanted
extras can be edited out at a later stage.
Whilst public domain disks do not as a rule have graphic characters in
their directories, some commercial disks do. The program edits all such
items out of the file before storing it. The only directory I found that
gave the program any trouble was one that had its link bytes edited to have
track 18 sector 4 read track 18 sector 4. The DISK FILE program is long
enough without writing special code to deal with that sort of quirk! I
labelled the disk and used option 3 of this section to get it into the
There are two further input options. The third speeds up input by
avoiding the 'directory read' query and is for labelled single program
disks particularly. It was also useful when cataloguing my magazines. The
ID 'R8CP' relates to an article about printers in RUN magazine, 1988,
December ($C).
The last allows the user to input an ID which can then be used for
manual input of as many names as necessary until that ID needs to be
changed. By using an ID of '....' one can compile a long list of anything
sorted into alphabetical order.
When using Option 2 all files are sorted into alphabetical order as
accepted/input and it is for this reason that every time Option 2 is
accessed from the Main Menu, with files already in memory, a check is made
to ensure that the sorting is in order before further input is allowed.
3. Print records in memory - screen or hard copy.
Viewing the records on screen really makes use of the C128's 80 column
mode. Now it is possible to view 3 columns of data in one go and one may
now also select the page from which viewing can be done, instead of always
starting from scratch as originally provided.
The hard copy options are available by loading the PRINTER MODULE,
about which more later. Sufficient at this stage to say that one can move
freely between the MAIN PROGRAM and the PRINTER MODULE with all variables
and arrays intact. If the records in memory have not been saved to the
Catalog disk a reminder appears before one is allowed to load the PRINTER
MODULE. Just as a matter of interest, provided the records are not
overwritten by loading another file in the PRINTER MODULE one can return
eventually to the MAIN PROGRAM with the names 'unsaved' still intact.
4. Sort the records in memory.
It was always possible to sort the names into alphabetical order but it
is now also possible to sort the files into an order determined by any one
of the 4 IDs. This is useful when using the BULK EDIT OPTION (9) and the
partial SAVEs available at option 7.
Records can be saved to any Category file in the order in which they
are when the SAVE option (7) is accessed.
5. Search for/change ID.
Now one has t